How to live in joyful.

   Who can define "life" very neatly? Answer is its we "humanbeing". Because only we are living life, so we are very close to life.And no one can define it as we will. Obviously we know how to live a good life but actually we don't do this. We are busy to think about only money, we don't think that earning money is good but sometime the way we take that's not good, actually  that path we take,that may leads us to crater. Because sometimes we totally gets blinds by making money,for that we can't choose what is right and what is wrong. Therefor sometimes our future get nasty. So  moral is be a good humanbeing,live a good life,stay healthy, think what you going to do, so take step very carefully and enjoy your life fully.
                                                                    "God has given only one life so don't waste it
                                                                              live your life till the day comes."
                                                                                           by-Dipjyoti Pauria

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