Always look forward

               Some time we a longing for something from somebody but they don’t respond to us, then also we keep hoping to them that one day they will respond to us but we fail to get anything from them what we are wanting from them. And finally we loose our hope from them and we think that we will not get help from them, but we keep longing to them that one day they will respond to us, but it’s not done.

          Therefore we should not keep hope on them who does not respond to us. We should see for one or two times but we go beyond this. Because on this earth we are here to help each other when someone is asking for help.

          When someone ask for a help very badly but that particular guy don’t get help from that particular person to whom he is asking for a help and the needy person goes to that person for number of times and every times comes back with empty hands, so that person should not keep any kind of relation with that person. 

          Because when you are in trouble at that time you don’t get any help from them, where you are going to them for number of times, so you should move on from there. You should not stay with them who does not respond to you when you are in trouble, it’s better to be alone. You should keep relation with them whose heart is clean and clear. And you will never be disappointed.

                                             Always go for right because right will always
                                                      lead you up and wrong will always lead you down.
                                                                 By –Dipjyoti Pauria

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