Don't Be Narrow

                    As we grow up day by day on the other hand we also  get more responsibilities with us. It is not simple as we think it is more complicated. We  think we can go on with this very easily, but not  actually happens.This actually happen with every bodies life. Some time we think it is the right but is it comes wrong in the future. I know it is getting you very complicated but i will tell you in simple  way.

          It's correct example of friendship, every body in this world needs good friend or company, and we search for that. And whenever we get a good friend we think we got what  we were searching. And we build up a good friend ship, and we think my friend will not betrayed me. But actually we do not know what actually they are planning  against us and what they think against us. But we know that this guy is a good friend of mine so we share our emotions with this guy not knowing what that guy is thinking against us. We also think this guy will never throw me away at any stage. There we are fail to choose and judge  people with whom we should keep our  friend ship. They are very clever where ever possible they gain from you and they will not see your situation where you are standing. They only know there self and they don't want to know any body, so beware of those people. They only know how to take from you but do not know how to give any thing in return. They are very harmful for us who those are simple from heart and really search for good friend. And this kind of friend hurt you very badly a lot so keep a long distance from this kind of people. So you can live your life very well and tension free life.
          There for we should make a good friend and  check them are they positive to us or not. Whenever we get a single doubt on them we should move on from there. Always remember one good friend is enough, than more bad and selfish friends. At least with one good friend we can live peacefully and we can share each other emotions. Those who bad they will be bad in future and they will not change forever so be safe from them. So you can live well and in a positive way. And whenever you get a good friend do not run for another friend, it can help you in future. So be safe and stay safe and live your life.
                                                        "your every step is very important 
                                                               because if you take wrong step 
                                                                   then you can fell down and 
                                                                        you will not get the second chance to come up."
                                                                                  by-Dipjyoti Pauria 

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